Museum of Jelgava

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Ādolfs Alunāns Memorial Museum
Homepage Services


Entrance tickets and excursions

Entrance tickets

To exhibits 1 adult €1,50
To permanent exposition 1 adult €2,00
To permanent exposition and exhibits 1 adult €3,00
To museum tower * 1 adult €1,50
To museum tower and exhibits 1 adult €2,50
To museum tower and permanent exposition 1 adult €3,00
To museum tower, exhibits and permanent exposition 1 adult €4,00
To permanent exposition and exhibits 1 student €0,50
To museum tower, exhibits and permanent exposition 1 student €1,00
Family ticket 2 adults and 1 or more children under 18 €6,00

* Pre-school children are not allowed to go up to the tower, children up to 12 are allowed only together with parents.

Excursion with museum’s guide (1 hour)

In Latvian Group (up to 20 persons) €10,00
In English or Russian Group (up to 20 persons) €15,00
Thematic excursion “Restoration of destroyed Jelgava after World war II”
(In Latvian and Russian) *
Group (up to 20 persons) €10,00
Thematic excursion “Diversity of religious confessions in Jelgava during Courland Governate times” (In Latvian and Russian) * Group (up to 20 persons) €10,00
Thematic excursion “The interior design of citizen’s home in 19th century Jelgava”
(In Latvian and Russian) *
Group (up to 20 persons) €10,00
Thematic excursion “Social democratic ideas and 1905/07 revolution” (In Latvian and Russian) * Group (up to 20 persons) €10,00

* Thematic tours must be booked in advance!

Gift cards

To permanent exposition and exhibits 5 visits for 5 persons or 5 visits for 1 person €10,00
Unified entrance card to Jelgava Holy Trinity Church tower, Ģ. Eliass History and Art Musuem of Jelgava, and Ādolfs Alunāns Memorial Museum 1 person € 5,00

Free entrance for:

  • preschool children;
  •  free for Jelgava city municipality school students;
  • students of Jelgava Technical School and Jelgava Music High School;
  • students of art schools, the Art Academy of Latvia and the Latvian Academy of Culture ;
  • accredited media representatives (journalists, photographers, etc.);
  • Employees of Latvian museums with a certificate or ICOM (International Council of Museums) card;
  • members of the Artist Union of Latvia;
  • group leaders (if the group has 10 or more persons);
  • disabled people under 18 with accompanying person;
  • persons with disability group I and with accompanying person;
  • persons with disability group II and III;
  • owners of The State Blood Donor centre privilege card;
  • guides with certificate from Jelgava Tourism Information Centre.

50% discount for persons with:

  • ISIC – International Student Identity Card;
  • ITIC – International Teacher Identity Card;
  • Valid student ID card from Republic of Latvia universities;
  • pensioners with ID cards.

Entrance to Ģ. Eliass History and Art Museum of Jelgava and Ādolfs Alunāns Memorial Museum is for free on 18th of May, Internation Museum Day, and during European Night of Museums.

Guest delegations of Jelgava city municipality are exempt from the entrance fee.

Entrance to exhibition openings is for free.

Museum educational programs are free for Jelgava city municipality school students.



Lecture in museum 1 person €3,00
Lecture outside museum 1 time for a group €15,00

Educational programs

For adults 1 lesson €1,50
For students 1 lesson €1,00

Museum hall rental

Exhibition hall rental for art or historical exhibitions for 4 weeks €200,00
For events 1 hall per hour From €30,00
For marriage registration 1 hall per hour From €30,00
For events (with museum staff’s participation in organizing the event) 1 hall per hour From €50,00
For events outside museum working hours 1 hall per hour From €50,00

Events outside museum

Educational program (1 hour for 1 adult) 1 lesson €2,00
Educational program (1 hour for 1 student) 1 lesson €1,20
Rental of traveling exhibition prepared by the history department 1 day €5,00


Oral consultation 1 time €2,00
Written consultation 1 A4 paper €5,00
Research in the museum collection 1 topic no €5,00
Research using accessible sources in Latvia 1 topic no €10,00

Use of the museum collection

Artwork deposition

Artwork created until 1945 1 object/1 time €50,00
Artwork created after 1945 1 object/1 time €30,00
Use of museum’s collection object 1 object €0,50
Use of museum’s collection object outside museum 1 object for day €7,00
Rent of museum’s exposition for filming 1 hall from €15,00

Reproduction of object from museum’s collections

For individual research 1 object from €15,00
For publications in books, calendars, other publications 1 object from €15,00
For advertisment 1 object from €15,00
Scanning of image or document 1 object €5,00

Museum’s educational programs are for free to Jelgava city municipality school students.

Rental of traveling exhibitions prepared by the history department of the museum to institutions of  Jelgava city municipality is for free.

Rent of museum’s halls to institutions of Jelgava city municipality is free.

Institutions of Jelgava city municipality and accredited Latvian museums can use museum’s collection for free.

Educational programs

Museum’s educational programs, prepared by the museum’s educator, are a fun and interesting way for children and teenagers to be introduced to the museum, its work and meaning in society, exposition, etc.

  • “First visit to the museum”

Educational program is prepared for from pre-school children to 3rd grade. Program’s aim is to introduce participants to museum and its surroundings, archaic object of ethnography un craft tools. The program aims to introduce participants to the museum and its surroundings, old objects of ethnography un craft tools. Participants are introduced to the museum and guess objects hidden in the “Black box” followed by a discussion of the purpose of museums and why keeping old and not so old objects is necessary.

  • Educational program cycle “Ģederts Eliass’ work”

“Story of a painting” is prepared for pre-school children to the 6th-grade students. Participants, while watching paintings of Ģederts Eliass, fill out assignments, create new names for paintings and draw copies.
“Seasons in Ģederts Eliass’ artwork” is prepared for pre-school children to the 6th-grade students. During the lesson participants go through the exposition and learn about artist Ģederts Eliass’ life, afterward watching nature outside the window and comparing it to paintings, doing assignments, and will work with colourful threads.

  • “Ancient Inhabitants on the Banks of the Lielupe River: Archaeology”

The program was developed in 2020 as part of the renewed exhibition “Prehistory and the Middle Ages in Zemgale.” The session is aimed at preschoolers and students of all grades. The goal is to provide new knowledge about the lives of ancient people through the displayed artifacts and immerse students in the atmosphere of the exhibition, allowing them to experience the living conditions of ancient inhabitants. Students will enhance their knowledge about how information about ancient life is obtained, perform tasks in the “Archaeologist’s Laboratory,” and play the game “Find the Object.”
Older students also have the chance to meet an archaeologist and learn about the secrets of the profession.

  • “Latvian Newspaper 200”

The first Latvian-language newspaper, “Latvian Avīzes,” was published in Jelgava. We offer a modern introduction through a slideshow and short video material about the creation of the newspaper, the characteristics of the time, and the personalities associated with this groundbreaking event, with the opportunity to view authentic, over-a-century-old newspapers and other historical materials in the exhibition. In the practical work section, students will have the chance to take on the role of an editor and express their creativity by designing their own newspaper, completing an engaging worksheet.
As stated by the creators and compilers: “In 1822, the first Latvian-language newspaper, ‘Latvian Avīzes,’ was published, marking the beginning of the newspaper era, which continues today in online news portals.”
The program is available for students from grades 1 to 12. The duration of the session is one or two academic hours.

  • Mercantilist Politics during Duke Jacob’s Time

The program allows participants to immerse themselves in the economic and political life of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia in the 17th century. The session takes place in the exhibition hall and vividly reveals the key economic principles of the time, such as manufacturing in manufactories and the mercantilist ideas borrowed from Europe.
During the session, students will be introduced to the topic, complete reasoning tests in worksheets after watching a slideshow, and, working individually or in groups, identify crafts in ancient engravings. They will analyze and make conclusions about the pros and cons of mercantilist politics.
The session is intended for middle and high school students. The duration is 45 minutes.

  • Educational Program “Inspire Yourself in the Exhibition”

We invite you to visit the current exhibition! While observing the works, we encourage you to complete the task: “Draw me,” “Draw yourself” ……!
Any exhibition is useful for inspiration and self-development. Get inspired and create your own works! At first, you don’t need much: just an idea and a blank page. The session offers an opportunity to explore the artistic value and content of the existing exhibition.
The duration of the session is 45 minutes. Available for all age groups. We also recommend it for art school students.

  • Pedagogical Program “The Modern 19th Century” – The Industrial Revolution

Discoveries, inventions, and achievements – all of this rapidly and relentlessly emerged in the 19th century. What are the reasons and economic situations? What are the needs and developments of society throughout the century? This program is designed for middle and high school students.
During the session, we will explore the museum’s exhibition and slideshow material and, in the practical part of the session, attempt to find answers to questions.
Participants will have the opportunity to discover historical patterns, express their opinions, actively work in groups, exercise attention retention, concentration skills, and develop the ability to analyze historical information.

  • New! Pedagogical Program “Together for Freedom: Commemorating the Barricades”

The museum offers a museum-pedagogical program for students, “Together for Freedom: Commemorating the Barricades,” to recall the events of January 34 years ago, when the people of Latvia stood shoulder to shoulder to protect the idea of a free Latvia.
In this session, we will introduce students to the background, causes, development, and culmination of the events – the barricades and their defenders.
Using the museum’s collection materials, we will show young people the reflection of these events in photographs and the memories of those who participated in the barricades, encouraging students to understand the events of that time and feelings, fostering empathy and awareness of the value of unity, standing together, and fighting for freedom.
The session is recommended for students starting from grade 7.

Pedagogical Session Information
The session takes place in the museum premises, with a fee of €1.00 per student/pupil and €1.50 per adult. Entrance to the museum and participation in the educational program is free for preschool children and students and pupils from educational institutions in Jelgava city.
The selected session must be coordinated in advance by calling 63080150 or 29297084 or 63023383.


Museum’s employees have prepared various lectures about Jelgava city and its surrounding area. Lectures can be presented at the Museum or at any location.

Gints Putiķis, Deputy Director of Research

  • The Duke’s Throne Games: Stories of the Dukes of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia

    • Keywords: Decline of Livonia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1561–1795, Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, Jelgava, geopolitical dimensions of the Duchy.

  • The Life Stories of Jelgava Gymnasium Students and Their Contribution to the Latvian State

    • Keywords: 1775–1915, Academia Petrina, Jelgava Men’s Gymnasium, education system in Courland Governorate, Jānis Čakste, Fridrihs Vesmanis, Francis Trasuns, Krišjānis Barons, Ģederts Eliass, and others.

  • Lithuanian Steps at the Jelgava (Mintauja) Men’s Gymnasium – Echoes of the Past in the Present

    • Keywords: 1775–1915, Academia Petrina, Jelgava Men’s Gymnasium, education system, Antanas Smetona, Lithuanian Prime Ministers, signatories of the Lithuanian Independence Act (1918).

  • An Example of Jelgava’s Transport Infrastructure: The Jelgava Railway Through Time (1868–1940)

    • Keywords: History of railway transport, first railways in Latvia, railway stations and stops, passenger and cargo transport, interesting facts about the railway infrastructure.

  • Knight of the Order of Lāčplēsis – Former Students of Jelgava Gymnasium

    • Keywords: Jelgava Men’s Gymnasium, Latvian War of Independence, Order of Lāčplēsis, 1919–1940, Ludvigs Bolšteins, Aleksandrs and Nikolajs Grundmaņi, Artūrs Heinrihs Kēlers, Verners Tepfers, and others.

  • They Decided, We Paid: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its Impact

    • Keywords: Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, World War II, Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940, Sovietization, German and subsequent Soviet occupation, 1939–1944, example of Jelgava.

  • They Decided, We Paid: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its Impact

    • Keywords: Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, World War II, Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940, Sovietization, German and subsequent Soviet occupation, 1939–1944, example of Jelgava.

  • Remembering the Mass Deportations from Latvia on March 25, 1949

    • Keywords: Latvia after World War II, deportations, special settlement places, 1944–1949, consequences of the deportations.

Gita Grase, Museum’s Director

  • How Jelgava minted money.

Marija Kaupere, Deputy Director of Public Relations

  • The Eliass Family in Latvian Culture

    • Keywords: Family values in Latvia’s cultural landscape, Ģederts, Kristaps, and Maija Eliass.

  • Ģederts Eliass – From “Zīlēni” to Europe

    • Keywords: The influence of family and environment in shaping personality, education, professional growth, artist’s credo.

Aldis Barševskis, Head of the Collections

  • Jelgava Observatory and Astronomers from the 18th Century to 1994

  • “Even in the Duchy, in Priekule and Jelgava, they flew” – About the First Flights in the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia Territory from the 17th Century to 1940.

  • Latvian War of Independence in Jelgava.

Saiva Kuple, Restorer

  • The important role of the restorer in the work of the Museum.

Edgars Umbraško, Historian, researcher

  • B. Rastrelli and Baroque in Zemgale

    • Keywords: Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, cultural heritage, architecture, Baroque, Jelgava Castle, Rundāle Palace, Ernst Johann Biron.

  • Between Two Eagles: 1812 in Jelgava

    • Keywords: Napoleonic Wars, Russian Empire, France, Prussia, Courland Governorate, Zemgale, local people – participants in the Napoleonic Wars.

  • Exegi Monumentum: Jelgava’s Monuments Through the Ages

    • Keywords: Cultural heritage, monuments, memorial plaques, cemeteries, prominent locals, Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, Courland Governorate, Republic of Latvia, Latvian SSR.

Zenta Broka – Lāce, Historian, researcher

  • Prehistory and the Middle Ages in Zemgale

    • Keywords: Prehistory, the Middle Ages, archaeology, Zemgale, archaeological cultures, Crusades, Tērvetes Hillfort, Jelgava Castle.

  • What is Archaeology?

    • Keywords: History of science, archaeological excavations, cultural heritage, Latvian archaeological monuments, monument protection, antiquities, artifacts, cultural layer, Courland Province Museum.

  • Hillforts of Zemgale

    • Keywords: Zemgale, Zemgalians, archaeological monuments, settlements, fortifications, Tērvete, Mežotne.


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